Managing Doctoral Studies in Finance

Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Time: 9:15 – 15:00

Place: Room V101 Istuntosali, Ekonominaukio 1, Aalto University School of Business,  Espoo

Otaniemi Campus Map


GSF Director Mikko Leppämäki (Aalto University and GSF)

Aalto Distinguished  Professor Matti Keloharju (Aalto University)

Objectives: This event is targeted to 1st year doctoral students in Finance. The purpose of this event is to provide students with some practical guidance that will help them in managing doctoral studies, assessing and identifying research ideas, writing and publishing their research papers, and being part of the academic community at large.

Program: TBA

Participants: First year doctoral students in finance.

Registration: Please register to this event by sending an e-mail to by August 29, 2024.